Corporate Governance
The Board of Ports North has primary responsibility to shareholding Ministers to establish strategic direction, pursue established corporate objectives and monitor business performance.
The Board recognises the importance of applying best practice corporate governance principles in fulfilling this responsibility and has committed to the highest level of integrity in the conduct of its operations. To satisfy this commitment, the Board has adopted a Directors and Senior Executives Code of Conduct and has further set out expectations of Ports North employees and others with whom Ports North has transacted business or continues to transact business in a Code of Employee Conduct.
Read More: Risk Management & Compliance | Remuneration | Board Committees
ports north board of directors
Russell Beer LLB, GDLP
- Chair
- Independent Director
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee
- Member, Human Resources Committee
- Member, Strategic Projects and Initiatives Committee
Russell is a former Director and Shareholder of and now consultant to MacDonnells Law, one of Queensland’s largest and longest established independent law firms. Russell specialises in corporate and government advisory law and has been involved in the development of many major projects and pieces of infrastructure in regional Queensland. Russell was a founding Director and long-term Chair of Advance Cairns and has served on many not-for-profit boards. In 2009 Russell was awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Achievement by a Legal Practitioner by the Queensland Law Society, and in 2012 was named as Cairns Regional Council’s Citizen of the Year.
Appointed: October 2015
Current Term: 1 October 2023 - 30 September 2025
Mr Justin Parer
- Deputy Chair
- Independent Director
- Chair, Strategic Projects and Initiatives Committee
Justin has over 20 years of experience in the maritime industry and is a skilled business operator who cares passionately about Far North Queensland. He commenced his career at Ernst and Young where he worked in tax, corporate advisory and audit services while gaining his qualifications as a Chartered Accountant. In 2000 he became the owner operator of a small ship repair facility, which he grew over the next 2 decades into one of Australia’s leading, independent commercial service providers. He was actively involved in promoting the industry, served on numerous industry groups and in 2017 was awarded Industry Champion for the Commercial Sector. After commissioning and installing the worlds’ largest mobile boat hoist in Cairns he successfully exited from the operating business in 2020. He then spent his time investing in and developing start up and early stage companies. Justin is a quiet philanthropist with a dedicated and active interest in supporting local sports clubs, marginalised children and young adults with disabilities.
Appointed: 13 February 2025
Current Term: 13 February 2025 – 31 May 2028
Ms Susan Casey
- Independent Director
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee
Susan has extensive corporate governance and compliance experience, in both the resources and media sector. From experience working with resources operations based in remote and regional Queensland she understands the impact a reliable, safe and value driven port infrastructure business has on regional economic development, in connecting communities; and in making a significant contribution to the success of businesses whether private or public, locally focused, or global in operation. Susan is a practicing solicitor, currently employed at Coronado Global Resources Inc, an ASX listed producer of metallurgical coal and supplier to the steel industry worldwide. She has postgraduate qualifications in resources and planning law, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Governance Institute of Australia; and a member of Transparency International Australia.
Appointed: 13 February 2025
Current Term: 13 February 2025 – 31 May 2028
Mr David Edwards
- Independent Director
- Member, Strategic Projects and Initiatives Committee
Appointed: 13 February 2025
Current Term: 13 February 2025 – 31 May 2028
Hon. Curtis Pitt
- Independent Director
- Chair, Human Resources Committee
For 20+ years, the Honourable Curtis Pitt worked at the most senior levels of government and with the private sector to develop and implement effective economic and social policies for the benefit of Queensland. Of particular note was his work in the areas of trade, investment, infrastructure, resources, energy, and media and entertainment. Honourable Pitt served in the Queensland Parliament 2009-2024 in key roles of Speaker of the House and Treasurer of Queensland. He was also Minister for portfolios including Trade and Investment, Employment and Industrial Relations, Energy, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Disability Services and Mental Health. Since his retirement from politics, Honourable Pitt continues to develop the media and entertainment landscape via his company Australian Screen Network in areas including film and television, screen infrastructure, gaming, education, and training.
Appointed: 13 February 2025
Current Term: 13 February 2025 – 31 May 2028
Margot Richardson FCPA, GAICD, FGIA, BEc / BA (Asian Studies), GDipFinPlan
- Independent Director
- Chair, Audit and Risk Committee
Margot is a highly qualified and extremely motivated professional. Using her experience in industry as a CPA Public Accountant and CFO, Margot expanded her focus to include governance, directorships and organisational leadership. She has worked with the communities of all the regions serviced by Ports North for the past 20 odd years. Margot has served on a number of boards including Dietitians Australia, RRR Women Qld and CEQ. She is currently a director for the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and a large Indigenous Corporation, and is a member of the Queensland Ombudsman Audit and Risk Committee and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council. Margot is passionate about creating great social and economic value for communities.
Appointed: October 2023
Current Term: 1 October 2023 – 30 September 2026
Ms Georgina Twomey
- Independent Director
- Member, Human Resources Committee
- Member, Strategic Projects and Initiatives Committee
Managing Director, Alive Pharmacy Group
Chair, Rural Pharmacists Australia
Georgina Twomey is a community pharmacist and pharmacy owner based in Cairns, Far North Queensland. As Managing Director of Alive Pharmacy Group, she is responsible for overseeing clinical governance, purchasing/marketing, HR, change management, finance and strategy across a number of small businesses in the TNQ region.
Georgina is the Chair of Rural Pharmacists Australia and a council member of the National Rural Health Alliance, through which she advocates for improved regional, rural, remote and indigenous health outcomes.
She has also been involved in establishing the James Cook University Cairns campus intake of pharmacy students with an interest to increase the number of community pharmacists in rural and regional Australia.
Georgina is one of the first prescribing pharmacists in Australia. She has been working on cementing pharmacist prescribing into the community pharmacy business model in order to address increased GP waiting times and pressure on hospital emergency departments.
On a side note, Georgina has been treasurer for the Cairns Art Gallery Foundation since 2018 by means of supporting the local community through investment and sharing of art.
Appointed: 13 February 2025
Current Term: 13 February 2025 – 31 May 2028
PORTS NORTH Executive Team
Richard Stevenson
Chief Executive Officer
Kevin Malone
General Manager Commercial
Chris Tabe
Chief Financial Officer
Paul Doyle
General Manager Strategy and External Relations
Jason Ledbury
Chief Operating Officer CMP-CUF
Colin Devenish
General Manager Infrastructure
Ash Sinha
General Manager Operations
Risk Management & Compliance
Ports North has in place processes to identify, assess and manage risks to its operations to minimise the impact of unplanned events. This approach is articulated in its Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Framework which also provides for structured risk assessments to be undertaken and the development of risk treatment plans.
The Audit and Risk Committee oversees the implementation of the Risk Management and Internal Control Policy and Risk Management Framework and a strong internal control environment to protect Ports North’s interests. Safety and Environmental Management Frameworks, Financial Risks Policy, Fraud Control and Corruption Policy and Security and Emergency Plans address the associated specific risks.
Director remuneration is affected by the provisions of the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993.
Executive remuneration is approved by the Board in accordance with the Government shareholder guideline.
Remuneration policies for management and staff are overseen by the Human Resources Committee which operates under the Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference.
Ports North’s remuneration policies provide for a strategy that balances the needs of the organisation, individuals and shareholders. Policies recognise the need to contain costs to Ports North and optimise the return on Ports North’s investment in its people.
Board Committees
To increase its effectiveness the Board has established an Audit and Risk Committee, a Human Resources Committee and Strategic Projects and Initiatives Committee, each with terms of reference approved by the Board. Committee minutes are included in the papers for the next Board meeting and the Director chairing the Committee reports to the Board on matters addressed by the Committee.