Release of Information
Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI)
The RTI Act creates a right for access to documents held by Government Departments, Ministers and Agencies unless the release of information could, on balance, be contrary to the public interest.
It aims to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for the privacy of the individual.
Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP)
The IP Act creates a right for individuals to apply for their own personal information. In addition to allowing access to and amendment of personal information, and to request that incorrect personal information be amended.
Ports North supports the Queensland Government's approach to giving individuals greater access to information through the Right to Information Act 2009 and The Information Privacy Act 2009.
Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
Your Privacy
Ports North is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) “the Privacy Act” and is committed to protecting user privacy. Ports North has implemented measures to comply with its obligations under the Privacy Act including the below Policy which also deals with the management of personal information held by Ports North
About Us
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited, trading as Ports North is a company Government Owned Corporation registered as a limited liability company under the Corporations Act 2001. Ports North's shareholding Ministers are:-
- The Honourable Cameron Dick, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
- The Honourable Bart Mellish, Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Minister for Digital Services.
Our Portfolio includes the management and operation of:
- Port of Cairns, a multi-purpose regional seaport that caters to a diverse range of industries
- Cityport, an urban-waterfront development project adjacent to the Central Business District.
- Four other trading Ports (Mourilyan, Cape Flattery, Skardon River and Karumba)
- Two community Ports (Quintell Beach and Thursday Island)
- Two other (non-trading) ports (Cooktown and Burketown)
- Approximately 500 hectares of Strategic Port Land and property across the Ports
Ports North develops and manages Port facilities vital to the development of the regional centres in North Queensland and the export performance of Queensland. Our Ports handle bulk shipments of sugar, molasses, silica sands, zinc, fuel, fertiliser in addition to live cattle, project cargo and general cargo. Ports North also has extensive property, marina and tourism facilities, particularly in Cairns.
As a Port Corporation, we issue licenses, leases and permits for the use of our port facilities and we have a number of multi-user facilities at our ports to achieve higher utilisation of infrastructure and greater efficiency. The Corporation is responsible for maintaining navigable Port depths, Port facilities and Port operations while vessels are alongside our facilities.
Ports North operates according to commercial principles, raises its own revenue and makes dividend and tax equivalent payments to the Queensland Government.
Organisational Structures
Port Locations & Contact Information (please Contact Us for further information)
Right to Information, Information Privacy and Privacy Act Policy
Right to Information, Information Privacy and Privacy Act Procedure
GOC Contact Details (please Contact Us for further information)
Our Finances
Please refer to the 'Financial Report' section of our Annual Report
Our Priorities
Please refer to our Annual Report:
Our Decisions
Delegations of Authority (please Contact Us for further information)
Our Policies
- Complaints Management Policy
- Complaints Management Procedure
- Dealing with Complaints about the Public Official
- Entertainment & Hospitality Policy
- Environment Policy
- Fraud Control & Corruption Policy
- Public Interest and Whistleblower Disclosure Policy
- Recruitment & Selection Policy
- Risk Management Framework
- Work Health and Safety Statement
- Sponsorship Policy
Our Lists
Disclosure Logs
Ports North is required under the RTI Act 2009 to publish details relating to documents that have been released as a result of a Right to Information and Privacy Access Application.
For further details on information relating to disclosure logs please contact the Right to Information Officer by telephone on (07) 4052 3888 or email enquiries@portsnorth.com.au.
Publicly Available Register Information
Far North Queensland Ports Corporation Limited (trading as Ports North) ACN No.131 836 014 is a public company under the Corporations Act 2001 and is subject to the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993.
Information about this company can be obtained from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). The ASIC is a Commonwealth Government agency and is Australia's corporate, market and financial services regulator. ASIC's general enquiry number is 1300 300 630, website address is http://www.asic.gov.au .
Information that is publicly available from ASIC about companies includes details of directors, share capital, registered office, auditors and charges over company property. ASIC has service centres in each capital city of Australia. These service centres are listed on the ASIC website.
In addition, under the Corporations Act 2001, Ports North is required to keep certain registers, including a register of members and also a register of option holders (and copies of option documents), a register of debenture holders and a register of charges (where relevant). Under the Corporations Act 2001, a person has a right to inspect these registers on payment of a prescribed fee set under the Corporations Act 2001. The company must give the person a copy of the register within seven days (or within 21 days for the register of charges), if the person makes a request for a copy and has paid the prescribed fee.
The Ports North registers are available for inspection during normal business hours at our registered office of Cnr Grafton and Hartley Streets, Cairns, Qld, 4870.
Any person wishing to inspect these registers should contact the Company Secretary, by phone 07 4052 3888 or via email at enquiries@portsnorth.com.au.
For more information relating to applications under the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009 please contact the Right to Information Officer by telephone on
(07) 4052 3888 or email enquiries@portsnorth.com.au.