Facilities & Services


Refuelling within Cairns Marlin Marina is available 7 days per week. To book a refuelling appointment:


+ 61 (0) 407 492 513

For more information please visit: www.portsnorth.com.au/viva-energy/


Gas is supplied through Origin Energy, nearest outlet Draper Street opposite Navy Base. Gas bottles can be swapped at either:
Bunnings - 71/83 Kenny Street, Portsmith  QLD  4870
Marano Fuel - Cnr Kenny & Draper Streets, Cairns  QLD  4870

Black Water

Disposal of black water, treated or untreated into the marine environment is strictly prohibited. Pump out options are available. Please contact the Marina office to discuss methods of discharge.


Laundry facilities, including washing machines and dryers, are available at the Marina amenities.


The marina waste facilities are located at the Marina amenities and services buildings adjacent to F Finger. These marina waste facilities include waste compactor and oil disposal bins.


A Marina carpark is available for Marina patrons. Access cards and permits are required for entry into the carpark.


All Cairns Marlin Marina berths are provided with single-phase electrical connections up to 15 amps included in the berth fee. Three phase shore power up to 200 amps is available on request at specific berths.

Electricity greater than 15 amp single phase is charged at Ergon Energy tariff rates.


Fresh potable water is available to all berths.


Marina amenities are located adjacent to F finger at the Marina site. Access cards are required to access the amenities.


Regular security patrols of the Marina occur day and night and CCTV cameras operate throughout the facility. Marina users should ensure that their vessels are kept secure at all times.

Access Cards

Access cards are required to access all gates and amenities. The Marina office will issue access cards when you check into the Marina. Please ensure you have your access card with you at all times and access cards can be returned prior to departure.

Dinghy Berths

Dinghy berthing is only permitted in the designated area along "E" Finger. This area will be available via an access card and is available from the Seaport Operations Office. Any dinghy not complying with these rules may be removed from the Marina. Scraping or cleaning of dinghies is prohibited in the Marina complex.

Emergency Services

Fire, Ambulance or Police
Dial 000
Oil Spill Dial (07) 4052 3866 (Marina)
Office Hours Emergency Dial (07) 4052 3866
After Hours Emergency Dial (07) 4052 3866

Fire hydrants and hose reels are located at all fingers and berths.

MSQ's Cyclone Emergency Plan can be found at the MSQ Website.


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