Policies & Procedures
The Cairns Marlin Marina is part of the Port of Cairns which is owned and operated by Ports North.
Ports North is responsible for effectively managing and efficiently operating port facilities and services at the Port of Cairns, ensuring appropriate levels of safety and security.
Port Notices regulate all activities in areas under the control of the Port of Cairns.
Port Notices apply to all port users including their employees, passengers, visitors, clients, employees of client organisations, contractors, as well as visitors and the general public entering port controlled/administered land and facilities.
The Marina Procedures and the Port of Cairns Operating Procedures are Port Notices and users of the Marina must comply with these rules and procedures.
Check In / Check Out
All vessels wishing to berth must gain approval from the Marina Office prior to arrival. Checkout time is 1000hrs daily unless otherwise arranged with the Marina Office.
Vessels are charged on length overall (LOA). LOA includes bowsprits, davits, duckboards and anything extending forward or aft of the vessel regardless what height from the waterline that item protrudes.
Gangway Access to Vessels – Safety
Gangways shall be stored safely in accordance with Marina Operating Procedures.
Mooring Notification
A vessel is not to be moored at the complex without prior approval of Ports North and mooring must be in accordance with the Marina Operating Procedures.
Disposal of waste matter into the marine environment is strictly prohibited at all times. Night Transfer permits are required for the transfer of waste between dusk and dawn. All oil waste is to be removed directly to the approved Ports North waste storage. All waste is to be transferred in approved sealed containers to ensure that the waste does not leak or spill from the container during removal.
Security gates are closed at night. Interference with the gates, boom or the gate mechanisms is prohibited. Security of individual vessels is the responsibility of the vessel owner.
Vessel Maintenance & Repair
Minor maintenance and repairs are only permitted in the Marina complex. A Work Permit must be completed and authorised by Ports North prior to any work commencing.
Marina Incident / Injury / Spill
The Marina Office must be notified immediately in the case of all injuries, incidents, damage or hazards including oil spills, collisions, grounding, person injuries.
Fishing is only permitted in the designated zones and times within the Marina Precinct.
Refuelling Procedures
Refuelling can only occur at dedicated refuelling berths in compliance with Operating Procedures.