Berths / Wharves
Wharves No. 1-6
Wharves 1 to 6 form a continuous quay length of 595m (1,952') with a height of 4.9m (16' ) above port datum and design depth of 8.4m (27' 6") LAT, unless otherwise noted. These wharves are used predominately for cruise vessels and visiting Naval vessels. The wharves are also used as overflow for tourist and fishing vessels and other coastal shipping. On Wharves 2 and 3 are heritage listed cargo sheds one of which is used as an international cruise terminal. The aprons in front of the shed are 8m and Wharves 4 – 6 have 27m apron width.
Wharves No. 7-8
General cargo, dry bulk, containers and fertiliser berth. Wharves 7 & 8 form a continuous quay length of 250m with a height of 5m above datum and a width of 27.8m. Design depth alongside wharf 7 is 9.3m LAT and wharf 8 is 10m LAT. The wharf has a trelex fendering system which can accommodate vessels up to 40,000 tonne dead weight capacity and the distance from the outer edge of fender to waling piece is 1.35m. The cargo ships using this facility include containers, bulk fertiliser and break bulk cargo. This wharf complex is complemented by easy access to the container terminal area (3,800m2).
Wharf No. 10
Tanker berth for oil and LP gas with a maximum permissible vessel length of 189m (620'). The wharf has a design depth of 9.3m LAT and a wharf height of 4.8m LAT above port datum. Wharf 10 is a liquid product berth for petroleum products and gas. The wharf is also used for bunkering.
Wharf No. 12
Wharf 12 is owned and operated by Sugar Terminals Limited. Bulk sugar terminal and bulk molasses berth with a length of 183m (600'); wharf height of 5m (16' 5") above port datum and design depth of 10.5m LAT. Width of apron is 17.6m and includes an outloading sugar conveyer system.
Cairns Marlin Marina
Please refer to the Cairns Marlin Marina web page.
Commercial Fishing Base 1 & 2
The Port has two bases for fishing vessels - CFB1 and CFB2 - located in Smith's Creek. There are mooring facilities for 87 vessels with 52 at CFB1 and 35 at CFB2. A loading/unloading berth is located at CFB2 or alternatively, the main wharf may be used by prior arrangement with the Seaport Operations Office.
Barge Ramp
There are two barge ramps located about one nautical mile upstream in Smith’s Creek between Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron and CFB2. Both ramps accommodate vessels up to 55m (180') in length, with a maximum beam of 13.2m (43'3") and a maximum gross tonnage of 500grt. A large barge loading facility is also located in the Duck Pond in Smith’s Creek for loading construction materials.
Smith’s Creek 1
General cargo berth for vessels up to 81m. The wharf is 53.4m long and has a wharf height of 3.7m above LAT, a design depth of 5.0m LAT and 1,360m² of common user open storage space. The wharf can also be utilised as an in-water maintenance facility and is serviced by a new 200T crane pad (max outrigger loads of 90T).
Fresh water and electricity (32A & 63A) are available.
Smith’s Creek 2
A new general cargo, or in-water maintenance berth, capable of taking vessels up to 100m and up to 7.000T displacement. The height of the concrete deck is at 4.37m above LAT at the berth face. The wharf is able to carry loadings for a 100T mobile crane and a 71T axle load forklift.
There is a high strength hard stand area of 2250m².
Fresh water and electricity (32A & 63A) are available.
Smith’s Creek 3
An in-water maintenance berth capable of taking 2 x 80m vessels with a maximum displacement of 1800T either side of a new wharf. The wharf is located East of, and parallel to, the Cairns Fishing Base 2 wharf . The wharf deck is 5.32m above LAT, and can accommodate loading up to a 50T mobile crane.
Fresh water and electricity (32A & 63A) are available.
Pile Moorings
The Port of Cairns has 65 pile moorings, for craft up to 18m (59') in length, on the eastern side of Trinity Inlet. There are also areas designated for anchorage only north and south of the piles, east of Admiralty Island and in Smith's Creek.
Green Island Jetty
Green Island Jetty is located at latitude 16° 45’ 28" south and longitude 145° 58’ 12" east and is approximately 14.8 nautical miles north-east of the Cairns Marlin Marina. The jetty includes a number of berths catering for vessels up to 35m.
Fitzroy Island Jetty
Fitzroy Island is located at latitude 16° 56' 02" south and longitude 145° 59' 08" east and is some 11.8 nautical miles north east of Cairns. The jetty head has a berth length of 11m and can accommodate vessels in excess of 30m.