
Ports North is a major contributor to the economic prosperity of the region with benefits impacting many industry sectors including tourism, the marine industry, transport, property and business services.

Ports North partners with local organisations and the community across a range of initiatives including general sponsorships and consultative committees.

Ports North supports:

  • Community and regional festivals and events
  • Arts, cultural and sporting events
  • Charity initiatives
  • Secondary school environment and education awards
  • Marine industry environmental initiatives and programs

Ports North participates in and supports forums such as:

  • Advance Cairns
  • Cairns Chamber of Commerce
  • Tourism Tropical North Queensland
  • Regional Development Australia (Far North Queensland and Torres Strait)
  • Gulf Savannah Development
  • Port Advisory Groups in Cairns, Mourilyan, Karumba and Thursday Island
  • Port of Cairns Cruise Shipping Group
  • Port Security Committees
  • Environmental Committees
  • Super Yacht Group - Great Barrier Reef

Ports & the Community

Ports are our maritime gateways to the world and play a vital role in growing our economy and sustaining our communities.

Ports are Australia’s largest cargo centres and move trade into and out of the country worth $1.2 billion every day.

The phone in your hand, the car you drive, your computer and your morning coffee are all proudly brought to you by Australia’s ports.

Australia’s ports are a vital part of our communities; from our coastal towns to the most isolated regions.

Each year, Australia’s ports spend more than $2.2 million supporting communities by hosting educational tours, improving local facilities, protecting the environment, sponsoring events and taking part in industry partnerships.

They employ more than 33,700 people and offer unique and diverse opportunities, from stevedoring to marine piloting, environmental management, operations, logistics, marine scientist, security, engineering and IT.

But as ports have evolved, so too has their commitment to understanding and managing the marine environments in which they operate.

Australia’s ports take a proactive approach to protecting the environment, including the conservation of species found in and around ports. Through partnerships and independent projects, they are involved in research and monitoring programs which are essential to ensuring a sustainable future.

Since 1916, Australia’s ports have been working together to advance the nation’s prosperity, managing port safety, growing our economy, safeguarding the environment and sustaining our communities.


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