Vessel owner Business Name
Contact Name
Mobile Number
Vessel Name
Description of Works
Contractor Name (if applicable)
QBCC Number
Contractor Mobile Number
Contractor Email
Proposed Start Date and Time
Proposed Finish Date and Time
High Tide Time
Low Tide Time
If you ticked YES to any of the above 6 questions, please provide details of the intended control measures and precautions to minimise risk:
Comments - if NO was ticked to any of the above 9 questions, please provide details of an alternate procedure with control measures
If NO, Vessel Owner/Contractor is to provide a report from a suitably qualified consultant that the works undertaken do not pose any environmental harm to the Port of Karumba
If YES, prior access arrangements are to be made with the MSQ / Port Officer
If NO, recitify prior to tidal inundation, and MSQ / Port Officer is to document/photograph any non-compliance with clean up and retain on file
Name of Vessel Owner / Master